Happy (Old) New Year

We are taking inspiration from Foula folk who celebrate Old New Year well into January (as per the Julian calendar), so Happy (Old) New Year! We thought we’d kick off 2020 with a look back on Gaada’s first full-year as a visual arts organisation, whilst sending thanks to everybody who has supported us throughout 2019!

Undergraduate work from Remote Host, installed at Gaada’s studio, Burra Isle

Undergraduate work from Remote Host, installed at Gaada’s studio, Burra Isle

Gaada started 2019 by collaborating with fifteen undergraduate artists from the Contemporary Art Practice programme at Gray’s School of Art (Aberdeen). As part of Gaada’s pilot Remote Host residency, the students took part in a week long field trip to Shetland which concluded with a one-day marathon workshop + public exhibition focusing on expanded Risography printmaking!


Throughout the year we have met more and more artists who are based in Shetland, and we now welcome a number of artists who come to Gaada each week to develop their skills, and enjoy a dedicated space for making with the support of our tutors.

We ran both public and private workshops focusing on Risograph and Screenprinting processes, and managed to share these skills with over 156 individuals throughout the year!


Gaada was accepted as an associate member of Self Directed Support Scotland, this has made it much easier for artists with disabilities to access our studio and attend our workshops.

Shetland Wool Week was new to us this year, but it was a delight to teach screen print to craft makers, wool enthusiast and visitors from near (down the road) and far (Australia, Canada, the Netherlands!). The enthusiastic response from this crowd was amazing and so we are looking forward to 2020’s edition of the festival.

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We began collaborating with artists living in and outside of Shetland, to publish new multiples through Gaada’s Studio. We have established a transparent 50/50 sale policy where profits are divided between the artist and the studio, ensuring artists get paid fairly whilst enabling Gaada to cover materials and production! Keep an eye out in 2020 for the official launch of Gaada’s new online shop, where a beautiful array of new prints + objects will be available to buy.

Gaada was selected as a regional project for Art Licks Weekend 2019. Fittingly the years theme was Interdependence and we partnered with Creekside Artists (Deptford, South London) to stage the first instalment of ERRATA (Extreme Remote Rural Artist Travel Agency) a series of installations and peer-led discussions which critically explore the barriers and benefits of contemporary art practice in extreme, remote, rural contexts. Again, keep an eye out for new ERRATA events throughout 2020!


Beyond Shetland, Gaada was invited to participate in the A-N Assembly Aberdeen, Cultivating Communities discussion; we were kindly supported by the Scottish Contemporary Artist Network (SCAN) to attend their 2019 Summit Unsettled Status - Brexit, Borders and the Hostile Environment in Glasgow, and also the first Taisbean / Curatorial North event hosted by An Talla Solais in Ullapool. We rounded up the year with an inspirational visit to Project Ability and Glasgow Print Studio thanks to Creative Scotland’s Go See Share fund.


It certainly was a busy year. But it would be remiss of us if we didn’t mention that some of the most useful activities didn’t have a title! We have learnt so much from the many conversations (and gallons of tea) shared with our neighbours both in Shetland and nationally (sometimes via Skype, sometimes by Phone). The insights gained here have drastically shaped the activities of this growing arts organisation, and we are very excited to continue the conversation in 2020!


Gaada + Project Ability - Go See Share update


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