What Do Artists Do All Year? 2021

What a year we’ve had at Gaada! It has been busy and beautiful, difficult and heart-warming. As we tackled another year of up and down restrictions, we flexed every art worker muscle we have to make it work and we must say, looking back at this blog has put a huge smile on our sleepy faces as we wind down for a much needed break.

Once again, we would like to thank everyone who has worked with Gaada in 2021 - attended events, come along to workshops, created art, bought an edition, popped in to say hello and supported us in any way. We wouldn’t be here without you.

We hope you enjoy this look back on our years highlights.

Happy Yule,
fae Daniel, Amy and Vivian.



The UK enters another lockdown, and Gaada closes its doors to the public.

We switch to online one-to-one workshops.

Peer Group is postponed.

Glasgow Women’s Library exhibition is delayed.

Gaada is honoured to present new work by acclaimed Graphic Novelist, Isabel Greenberg, via the publication of our first ever Screenprint edition!

On 26th January, we hosted a Weemins Wark Celebration via Zoom.

Gaada produced a riso edition by Director, Amy Gear, for Public House Birmingham.


Gaada secures Communities Recovery Fund from HIE. This grant allows us to increase Vivian’s role to 4 days a week and improve our office set up by purchasing computers, chairs and desks.

Amy speaks to ATLAS Arts in Skye, for their lunchtime talk series.

Gaada’s doors re-open on 11th Feb for one-to-one workshops, as we slowly resume activites after lockdown.

2020/21 Bursary Artists begin to receive materials for their projects.

We welcome Rafferty to Gaada, for weekly artist one-to-one sessions.

We start our second block of Peer Group sessions.


Rhys Mouat launches comic Reigniting Flame Vol.1 and opens exhibition in Display.

We welcomed artist Jody Mulvey to Peer Group to give a talk via Zoom.

Gaada supports artist Joyce Davies with Perimeter exhibition, 'Doun The Hoose'.

Artist Aimee Labourne visits Gaada on a VACMA award.

Gaada introduces Non-Executive Directors and Advisory group.

Glasgow Woman’s Library host event focussing on Weemin’s Wark.


Artist Struan Haswell launches a new teatowel edition to our online shop.

We start offsite workshops with artist Mari Johnson in her polycrub.

Gaada supports with a commission of artist Laura Hughes to create new work for local theatre production.

Gaada is mentioned alongside some of Scotland’s leading art organisations in an article published by The Scotsman.


Exhibition ’I will not give up on a list of things I like to stay the same without ending’ by Stuan Haswell opens in Display.

Artist and Programmer, Tako Taal gives talk for Peer Group.

Gaada announce collaboration with Hamnavoe Primary School and Vivian and Amy run workshops with P1-7.

Workshop Bursary recipients Jennifer McLeaskintosh and Filip Andel attend workshops.

Gaada turns 3!

Amy in conversation with Artist and Writer Amanda Thomson as part of Glasgow Women's Library's Open The Door Festival.

Gaada does a skill swap with artist Janice Amstrong.


Creative Scotland confirms support for Gaada’s 21/22 programme

Daniel and Vivian are interviewed on BBC Radio Shetland.

We collect trimmed pages for the Weemin’s Wark publication from Shetland Litho.

Exhibition Git Ootside, Inner Bairn by Jennifer McLeaskintosh opens in Display.

Brian Mouat completes his Workshop Bursary.

Gaada commences offsite workshops with Bursary recipient Diana Winfield.


Gaada announces proposal for Future Site and begins a public search for a site to create a new art space with accessibility at its heart.

Shannon Leslie creates and sells publication, I Can’t Ever Get Home with Gaada.

Collaborative Murals by Hamnavoe School + Gaada are unveiled.

A teatowel edition with Hamnavoe Primary School launches to raise project funds.

Daniel featured in Scotland + Venice: What If?.../Scotland film, shown at V&A Dundee.


New commission from Hamnavoe Primary School and Gaada announced. Artist Jono Sandilands to create a welcome mural at the school.

Gaada hosts the launch of The Illustrated Freelancer’s Guide, as the first event in our 2021/22 Peer Group programme.

Gaada holds open weekend for Doors Open Days Festival and welcomes over 130 visitors to the kirk.

Exhibition Mak a Laang Erm extends beyond Display and into the workshop.

STV come to the studio to film.

Gaada directors Daniel and Amy are featured on a-n.

Artist Rafferty creates first riso edition for the shop.

We screenprint the covers of the Weemin’s Wark publication.


2021/22 Workshop Bursary Recipients announced.

Jono runs workshops with Hamnavoe Primary School pupils.

An exciting new project from Project Ability and Gaada pairs Glasgow based artist Cameron Morgan with Shetland based artist and designer Elie Coutts.

STV air special News feature on Gaada.

Gaada commission Cobolt Collective as Mural Methors for Jono.

Amy is appointed trustee of SCAN.

Vivian is interviewed by Art UK to share “A Day In The Life Of” Gaada’s Programme Coordinator.

We host an inspiring Peer Group Workshare.


Rhys Mouat launches Welcome To Shalder Town enamel badge edition.

Gaada is featured on BBC Radio 4 programme, Front Row.

Artist Christina Inkster makes riso prints at Gaada for project Da Lay o da Land.

Exhibition Checkpoint by Bryan Mouat opens in Display.

Gaada launches the long awaited Weemin’s Wark Publication designed by Esther McManus.

Up Helly Aa for Aa Archive becomes a permanent resource on Gaada’s website.

Amy speaks on behalf of Gaada during ‘One Shared Owner’ talk series by Scottish Artist Union.


An exciting sketchbook edition by Brian Sinclair is added to our online shop.

Gaada launches annual Yule Cards.

Daniel visits Leeds on a Curatorial North trip supported by SCAN.

Andy Anderson starts his Workshop Bursary.

Gaada and Hamnavoe Primary School unveil the completed ‘Hamnavoe Safe Haven’ Mural by Jono Sandilands.


We are looking forward to sharing more of our 2021/22 Visual Art programme with everyone in the new year. Until then, we hope you have a peaceful Winter break.


Display by Brian Sinclair


Gaada director visits Leeds for Curatorial North